segunda-feira, 28 de outubro de 2013

How download the GoPro Java Code

1. Download the Eclipse to work with the code:
  • Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers - See the download link
    • Just extract the zip downloaded.
  • Install the SVN plugin in Eclipse to checkout the code.(This operation may takes some time, just follow the screens below).
    • Follow the screens below to install:

    • You will need to restart the eclipse to apply the changes.

    • You will need to restart the eclipse to apply the changes(Simple next to next is enough and restart again).
    • Now you need to add the repository to eclipse - add this link:
    • The code will be checkout as a java project inside eclipse. After that go the Java Perspective and you will see the project downloaded as displayed in the image below:
    • So easy, now you will be able to dispatch some commands to GoPro camera. 

**For more information about the checkout, see the link below. 
Just checkout the code in source tab. It is a maven project, see how add in the eclipse software.

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